
The best books of the field.


Βιβλιοθήκη ΑΣΟΕΕ

Τομέας Ψυχολογίας (Βιβλιοθήκη) Φιλοσοφική Σχολή Αθηνών

Βιβλιοθήκη Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου

Blum l. M. (1956): Industrial Psychology and Its Social Foundations. Harper & Brothers Publishers New York

Costello W. T., Zalkind S. S. (1963): Psychology in Administration. A Research Orientation. Text with Integrated Readings Prentice – Hall, INC., Englewood Cliffs

Furnham A. (1997): The Psychology of Behaviour at Work. The individual in the organization. Psychology Press

Gordon J. R. : Organizational Behavior. A Diagnostic Approach. Prentice-Hall, International, INC

Greenberg J. & Baron A. R. (1997): Behavior in Organizations. Prentice – Hall International, INC

Jewell L.N., Siegall M. (1990): Contemporary Industrial/ Organizational Psychology. West Publishing Company

McCormick J. E., Ilgen R. D., (1992): Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Routledge

Schultz P. D., Schultz S – E (1994): Psychology and Work Today. An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology. MacMillan Publishing Company, Maxwell MacMillan International

Staehle C.M. (1985): Job Dissatisfaction and Action Alternatives: A Study of the Relationship Between Dissatisfaction and Behaviors in Work Organizations. Honors thesis, College of Business and Management, University of Maryland 

Vecchio P. R. (1995): Organizational Behavior. The Dryden Press Harcourt Brace College Publishers

Zytowski G. D. (1968): Vocational Behavior. Readings in Theory and Research. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc

Baum, Howell S. (1987): The Invisible Bureaucracy. New York: Oxford University Press

Cooper, Cary L. (1996): Handbook of Stress, Medicine, and Health. Edited by Cary L. Cooper,
CRC Press: Boca Raton, New York, London, Tokyo

Cooper, Cary L. & Roy Payne (1988): Causes, Coping and Consequences of Stress at Work. Publications: John Wiley & Sons

Gwendolyn Puryear Keita & Joseph J. Hurrell, JR. (1994): Job Stress in a Changing Workplace. Investigating Gender, Diversity, and Family Issues. American Psychological Association. Washington, DC

Lawrenge R. Murphy, Joseph J. Hurrell, JR., Steven L. Sauter, & Gwendolyn Puryear Keita (1995): Job Stress Interventions. American Psychological Association. Washington, DC

Terry A. Beehr & Rabi S. Bhagat (1985): Human Stress and Cognition in Organizations. An Integrated Perspective. A Wiley – Interscience Publication, John Wiley & Sons

Steven L. Sauter & Lawrenge R. Murphy (1995): Organizational Risk Factors for Job Stress. American Psychological Association. Washington, DC

Lyle H. Miller & Alma Dell Smith (1997): The Stress Solution. American Psychological Association. Washington, DC

Eason Ken (1995, 1988): Information Technology and Organizational Change. Taylor & Francis

Flaherty M. Therese (1996): Global Operations Management. The McGraw – Hill Companies, In

Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly (2000): Organizations. Behaviour, Structure, Processes.
Tenth Edition. The McGraw – Hill Companies, Inc

Howell William & Dipboye Robert (1986): Essentials of Industrial Organizational Psychology. Third Edition. The Dorsey Press

Ivancevich M. John & Matteson T. Michael (1996): Organizational Behavior and Management. Fourth Edition. Irwin. The McGraw – Hill Companies, Inc

Katz Daniel & Kahn L. Robert (1978): The Social Psychology of Organizations. Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons

Lawson B. Robert & Shen Zheng (1998): Organizational Psychology. Foundations and Applications. Oxford University Press

Maier Norman R. F. & Verser Gertrude Casselman (1982): Psychology in Industrial Organizations. Houghton Mifflin Company

McKenna Eugene (2000): Business Psychology and Organizational Behaviour. A Student’ s Handbook. Third Edition. Psychology Press

Robbins P. Stephen & Couiter Mary (1999): Management. Sixth Edition. Prentice Hall International Inc

Weihrich Heinz & Koontz Harold (1993): Management. A Global Perspective. Tenth Edition. International Edition

Bateman S. T. & Snell A. S. (1996): Management. Building Competitive Advantage. Irwin Third Edition

Hellriegel D. & Slocum W. J. (1982): Management. Third Edition. Addison – Wesley Publishing Company

Kast E. F. & Rosenzweig E. J (1979): Organization and Management. A Systems and Contingency Approach. McGraw – Hill International Book Company

Koontz H. & O’ Connell C. (1976): Management. A Systems and Contingency Analysis of Managerial Functions. McGraw – Hill International Book Company

Max S. Wortman, Jr. & Fred Luthans (1969): Emerging Concepts in Management. Process, Behavioral, Quantitative, and Systems. The Macmillan Company Collier Mcmillan Limited, London

Morden Tony (1999): Introduction to Business Strategy. A Strategic Management Approach. Text and Cases. McGraw – Hill Publishing Company

Pfeffer Jeffrey (1997): New Directions for organization Theory. Problems and Prospects. Oxford University Press

Steiner A. G. & Steiner F. J. (1997): Business, Government, and Society. A Managerial Perspective. Text and Cases. McGraw – Hill Companies INC 

William P. Anthony (1981): Management. Competencies and Incompetencies. Addison – Wesley Publishing Company

Κάντας Αριστοτέλης  (1998): Οργανωτική – Βιομηχανική Ψυχολογία. Κίνητρα, Επαγγελματική Ικανοποίηση, Ηγεσία. Εκδόσεις: Ελληνικά Γράμματα, Αθήνα

Κάντας Αριστοτέλης (1995): Οργανωτική – Βιομηχανική Ψυχολογία. Μέρος 3ο. Διεργασίες ομάδας – Σύγκρουση, Ανάπτυξη και αλλαγή – Κουλτούρα, Επαγγελματικό άγχος. Αθήνα: εκδ. Ελληνικά Γράμματα

Montana J. P. & Charnov H. B (2000): Μάνατζμεντ. Κλασσική Θεωρία Μάνατζμεντ, Δομές Οργανισμών, Μάνατζμεντ Προσωπικού, Δυναμική Ομάδων Εργασίας, και πολλά άλλα. Εκδόσεις: Κλειδάριθμος

David Fontana (1993): Άγχος και η αντιμετώπισή του. Εκδόσεις: Ελληνικά Γράμματα

Τζερβις Τζιοβαννι (1978): Εργάτης και νεύρωση. Εισαγωγή – Μετάφραση : Μαρία Τσοσκούνογλου. Εκδόσεις: Στοχαστής

Καντάς Αριστοτέλης: Ψυχολογία της Εργασίας - Θεωρίες Επαγγελματικής Ανάπτυξης - Στοιχεία Συμβουλευτικής

Glynis  Breakwell: Η Συνέντευξη (Επιμέλεια  Αριστοτέλης Κάντας, Βιομηχανική  Οργανωτική  Ψυχολογία)


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