Journal Title Description
Journal of Operations Management A scholarly journal devoted to: further understanding of operations management by researchers and practitioners, advance the knowledge for improving operations management and clarify the role of operations management.
Omega Omega reports on developments in management, including the latest research results and applications. It contains contribution and review articles which describe the state of the art in specific fields or functions of management, while there are shorter critical assessments of particular management techniques.
Long Range Planning Long Range Planning is a scholary journal in the field of strategic management. It features articles which offer original research that bridge the gap between academia and practice.
International Journal of Project Management IJPM offers wide ranging and comprehensive coverage of all facets of project management. It provides a focus for worldwide expertise in the required techniques, practices and areas of research; presents a forum for its readers to share common experiences across the full range of industries and technologies in which project management is used; covers all areas of project management from systems to human aspects; links theory with practice by publishing case studies and covering the latest important issues.
International Journal of Production Economics IJPE focuses on topics treating the interface between engineering and management. All aspects of the subject in relation to manufacturing and process industries, as well as production in general are covered.
European Journal of Operational Research
EJOR is a scholary journal which concentrates on theory building, empirical research as well as quantitative modeling, tools and methodologies that leads to better understanding of OR and its implications.
Production & Operations Management POM is a flagship research journal in operations management in manufacturing and services. It publishes scientific research into the problems, interest and concerns of managers who manage product and process design, operations and supply chains. It covers all topics in product and process design, operations and supply chain management.
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management MSOM is a flagship journal on OM and publishes papers that are of interest and importance to academic and industry researchers in OM and practitioners working at the interface of OM research and implementation.

Interfaces focuses on the difficulties and issues encountered in applying operations research and management science to real-life situations. It is dedicated to improving the practical application of OR/MS to decisions and policies in today's organizations and industries, and it is essential for analysts, engineers, project managers, consultants, students, researchers and educators.

International Journal of Production Research
IJPR is a well-established journal reporting production and manufacturing research. IJPR includes papers on manufacturing technology and the fundamental behavior of production resources, and also the complex and cross-disciplinary problems of analysis and control that arise in combining these resources within the design of production systems. Manufacturing strategy, policy formulation and evaluation, and the contribution of technological innovation are major concerns of the journal.
Production Planning & Control
Production Planning & Control is an international journal that brings together research papers on all aspects of production planning and control and the management of operations in all industries. The journal focuses on research that stems from an industrial need and can guide the activities of managers, consultants, software developers and researchers.
Journal of Manufacturing Systems
Journal of Manufacturing Systems publishes relevant literature for manufacturing industries, research and development organizations and the SME membership on the underlying theory and application methodologies of integrating established and developing manufacturing processes, equipment and software into systems. Its goal is to encourage the dissemination of scientific methods to plant operating personnel on systems concepts with the potential of decreasing manufacturing costs, increasing productivity and assuring product quality.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing provides a unique international forum for developers of intelligent manufacturing systems. It publishes papers on the applications of artificial intelligence in manufacturing and acts as a vital link between the research community and practitioners in industry.
IIE Transactions
IIE Transactions aims to foster a rich exchange among researchers and practitioners in the industrial engineering community by publishing papers that are grounded in science and mathematics, yet motivated by engineering applications.


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