Internet Sources for Entrepreneurship
The following sites contain info about import and export rates, lists of companies based on their activities, products, sales, location, size etc, as well as support measures taken towards companies’ interests. You can also obtain important information about their financial situation as well as their contact information. Since they gather collective information, they can serve as important research facilitation mechanisms and guide you through your research in the Greek context. They can help you obtain a collective picture of the Greek business and industrial landscape. They also contain all info both in Greek and English, so you should not have a problem.
Commercial and Industrial Chamber of
Athens, Greece
This site provides lists of companies per sector, product or Greek region of activities, according to your research objectives and priorities.
Lists of all Chambers and Business Activity Agencies
and Officials
Contains sites of all Chambers of Commerce in Greece
Greek Ministry and Agency Sites
Ministry of Development
General Industrial Secretary
General Commerce Secretary
General Secretary of Research and Technology
(see extra section)
General Secretary of Tourism
General Secretary of Competitiveness
Exporters’ Association of Northern Greece
Administration Committee of Public Sector Employees,
Chambers’ Union of Greece
Chamber of Greece
Bank’s Union
Association of Firms in Communication and
Information Technologies,
Association of Information Technology Companies of
Northern Greece (SEPVE),
National Association of Greek Commerce
Association of Tourism associated firms,
Competitiveness Committee
Association of Chief
Executive Officers,
Champer of Greece
Technological Parks in Greece
Technological Park
of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki Technology Park (TTP) was established in 1990, by the Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute (CPERI), one of the Institutes of Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH) to meet the need for a greater exchange of ideas, people and facilities between universities and industry. Its target is to connect research and production and create an environment where research Centres, universities and business can interact and innovate. Today it hosts five research Centres, an incubator and a Centre for technology transfer.
Scientific and Technological Park of Crete
The idea for a Technology Park in Crete dates back to 1988, when it was first nurtured by key individuals in FORTH (Foundation for Research and Technology- Hellas). The main point was to provide the significant research activities of the Institutes with a reliable interface to the outside world and to assume a significant but mostly a specific role in the development of the region. In addition, to enable companies-members of the STEP-C to exploit the technology opportunities offered by the Research Institutes and become key vehicles in the technology transfer process.
Technological Park of Attica “Lefkippos”
Tο Technological Park of Attica “Lefkippos”, operates since 1992 in a space of 340 m2 and it is supported by the infrastructures and the scientific personnel of the National Centre of Scientific Research “Demokritos”.
Scientific Park of
The Scientific Park of Patras operates for 15 years now. Under its umbrella, there is a significant number of new established and dynamic firms operating, most of them in fields related to the use of new technologies. The strategic target of the Scientific Park is to help in developing an innovative business region in West Greece.
Technological and
Cultural Park of Lavrion
It is an initiative of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), which had the objective to save and reconstruct the mining and Metallurgy Park of the French Company of Lavrio Minings through the establishment of a Technological and Cultural Park in Lavrion. It operates since 1992 and it has been a pole for developing modern technologies and innovative enterprises, clusters and reconstructing both research and production.
Technological Park
of Thessaly
The main target of the Technological Park of Thessaly is the creation of new and dynamic firms capable of offering new working positions and of achieving economical sustainability when the leave the Park. The Park provides the ability for the existing firms to develop new products and/or services through their interaction between the world of production and industry to the academia and the universities.
Scientific and
Technological Park of Ipiros
The Scientific and Technological Park of Ipiros was established in 1999 by the University of Ioannina and the Region of Epirus. Since 2003, it management has been taken by the Management Enterprise: “Scientific and Technological Park of Epirus SA”. Its mission is to become an important institution for supporting the introduction of new and innovative technologies in both the public and private sphere.
Technolopolis Thessaloniki
“Technopolis Thessalonikis SA” is a unique initiative taken by the Association of Information Technology Companies of Northern Greece (SEPVE). It was founded in 2001, with the participation of Computer and High Technology Companies coming from all over Greece, and has already prepared a business plan for the establishment of Technopolis in the wider area of Thessaloniki. Technopolis aims at solving some of the problems that the companies of this field are currently facing, e.g., their housing needs, and also at forming a network of modern infrastructures and investment opportunities, which is to become a lung of development both for Thessaloniki and Northern Greece and the entire country, in general.
Business Incubators in Greece
The Incubator of the
Technological Park of Thessaloniki
The Business Incubator of the Technological Park of Thessaloniki was the first to be established in Thessaloniki. It is for companies, natural persons, or legal entities interested in transforming an innovative idea for a new technology, product or service into a successful business. Today there are more than 10 business incubated.
Business Incubator
The private Incubator “Incubation for Growth-i4G” Incubation for Growth-i4G iis one of the most significant and particularly successful business activities of Euroconsultants SA within the framework of “Eleftho” Programme of Ministry of Development materialized according to specifications set by other pertinent European programmes. Its entrepreneurial philosophy and the strategic goal are to establish links between Research and Business.
Incubator for Newly
Established Enterprises of Chania
The incubator of new enterprises of Chania is a non-profit organization, which aims at supporting new innovative companies during the first years of their operation. The owners are the organization of the small and medium sized Greek companies, the Prefecture of Chania and the Commercial and Industrial Chamber of Chania. The Incubator of Chania owns an industrial and office building in the industrial park of Chania. In this space, 10-15 new and innovative companies are afforded the opportunity to operate during the first 3 years of their growth. Currently, 8 companies operate at the Incubator of Chania in the fields of telecommunication, software development, Internet services and manufacturing.
Business Incubator of
the Scientific Park of Patras
The Business Incubator it the basic part of the function of the Scientific Park of Patras. It operates as a mechanism for supporting and developing new established firms that will be having as a targets business success, the exploitation of R&D results, the creation of innovative products or services and their promotion to the market for use. It offers useful infrastructures and support services adapted to different users and special needs in order to help in bettering their development.
Incubator of the
Technological Park of Attica “Lefkippos”
Tο Technological Park of Attica “Lefkippos”, operates since 1992 in a space of 340 m2 and it is supported by the infrastructures and the scientific personnel of the National Centre of Scientific Research “Demokritos”. From its Incubator many small and new established R&D companies have already graduated. The second and larger building of the Park, in size of 1.750m2, is about to start working after the approval of the incubation project by the GSRT.
Incubator of
Technolopolis Thessaloniki
Through the “Business Incubator” of the Technolopolis of Thessaloniki, which is currently under construction, new business ideas and technologies shall have access to Technopolis’ environment. The companies to be established shall be able to develop with the support of the “Incubator”, enjoying all the advantages of their installation at Technopolis. These companies shall be able to relocate at certain areas in Technopolis, in case the park is unable to continue to meet their needs in spaces and infrastructures, or whenever they consider that such a movement is in their own interest.
European Commission,
Representation in Greece
The European Commission has offices, called
Representations, in all the Member States of the
European Union. Their chief duties are to represent
the Commission as its voice in the local media, to
report to the European Commission and keep it
properly informed about political, economical and
social development in the Member States. This web
site contains useful information about the
Representation of the European Commission in Greece.
There is also information about key European issues
such as the Euro, the Enlargement, the Future of
Europe, the initiatives and policies of the European
Commission. In other words, this web site supports
the policy of decentralising the provision of
information about the EU in Greece.
Research Centres
BETA-ULP - Bureau d' Economie Théorique et Appliquée, University Luis Paster Strasbourg, France
CAS - Center for Advanced Studies, University of Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
DRUID - Danish Research Centre for Industrial Dynamics, Denmark
DIME - Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe, Network of Excellence, Europe
Dimetic - European DIME PhD School. supported by the DIME Network of Excellence.
MSL - Management Science Laboratory, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Fraunhofer ISI - Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Germany
ECIS - Eindhoven Centre for Innovation Studies, Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands
MAX PLANCK Society, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Evolutionary Economics Group, Germany
SPRU - Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex, England, United Kingdom
STPS - Science and Technology Policy Studies - Research Centre, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
UNU-MERIT - United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and social Research and training centre on Innovation and Technology, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands
URENIO - Urban and Regional Innovation Research Unit, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research, Germany
Other Links
Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development
Under the headline “by topic” and then “Science and Innovation” there is a wide range of innovation statistics, documents, publications, and country reports that aim at examining the role of technology, science, and innovation to boost economic and social growth, all published by OECD.
Harvard Business School
This is a gateway to several articles, case studies, and books about innovation, entrepreneurship, product development, and technological development. It is supported by the Business School of the famous Harvard University.
Centre for Business
A worldwide network of leading thinkers committed to synthesize change in business with change in management theory. The webpage of the Centre provides a variety of articles and an on-line journal on business innovation.
The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) research program is an annual assessment of the national level of entrepreneurial activity. Initiated in 1999 with 10 countries, expanded to 21 in the year 2000, with 29 countries in 2001 and 37 countries in 2002. GEM 2005 will conduct research in 39 countries. The research program, based on a harmonized assessment of the level of national entrepreneurial activity for all participating countries, involves exploration of the role of entrepreneurship in national economic growth. Systematic differences continue, with few highly entrepreneurial countries reflecting low economic growth. There is, further, a wealth of national features and characteristics associated with entrepreneurial activity.
National Association
of Women Business Owners
The site of the voice of America’s over 10 million woman entrepreneurs. The site contains a number of resources, most of which are accessible only after membership. There are several useful links to other sites as well as some interesting statistics and press releases available.
The Family Firm
The site contains a number of resources both for family business owners and for researchers and consultants. Link to Family Business Review (Blackwell Synergy), a journal that combines scholarly research and practical experience devoted exclusively to exploration of the dynamics of the family firm.
This is the online publication of Entrepreneur Magazine, with news and updates on what is important for entrepreneurs and small business owners, as well as resources related to a variety of entrepreneurial issues.
Fast Company
Maybe the leading Internet publication on all issues related to how “fast companies”, i.e., entrepreneurial and fast growing companies are managed and operate. A rich site to explore for quite some time!